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How do murals benefit the community?

Murals have the ability to reflect the community’s spirit, create a unique experience, engage citizens, increase foot traffic and tourism, increase appreciation for the arts and artists, and increase overall attractiveness of the space. That is powerful stuff! Murals empower us to view things from different perspectives.  Art and its impact on society are very unique—it is localized and can almost be instantly felt.

“On a local level, murals and other arts initiatives encourage a sense of excitement among the citizens and promote reinvestment in our towns and cities.” Likewise, the interactions and social bonds made through art can help increase the community’s social capital and wellbeing


Tree of dreams - Clyde St mall, Frankston

The outside world seemed like a very different place through the Covid years, not as warm and friendly as it used to seem. Bombarded with stories of illness and fear daily from the mass media and around the world, we had become afraid to hug and leave our homes

and that took a toll on our well-being, our spirit, our community and our ability to feel positive about the future …The Tree of dreams’ was created as a reminder that within all of us there is still joy if we allow ourselves to feel it. It is a mindful moment to dip into that place of joy within, a place of love, and of hope beyond fear. A reminder to dream of a positive future. 

The visuals are the setting of childhood – a timeless moment of bare feet, blue skies and limitless dreaming. A time when anything was possible. What if you could return to that time and place again, just for a moment...

You can read more about this work here 


The Barefoot Florist and Soul Scissor Salon

A quirky imaginary florist filled the windows of an empty shopfront in Balmoral St Frankston with blossoms and butterflies and the imaginary Soul Scissor Salon with its colourful customers evoking a joy much needed at the time when many of the local shops were vacant. Part of #RepaintFrankston, a brilliant campaign by Frankston City Council, employing local artists to activate empty shopfronts in joyful and unique ways these two works engaged and inspired the locals in many ways.


Radiant Threads

 Sara's mural at Coonara Community House was commissioned through Knox Immerse Art festival and is titled ‘Radiant Threads’.

"Coonara is a rich and welcoming space for community engagement and this work is wholly a reflection of the radiant and diverse people who come to nourish and be nourished there, and the beautiful threads that connect this colourful community". The work joyfully invites visitors to engage with their own deep Joy in such an easy and playful way.

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